In her book In memory of Her, Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza, begins by stating: In the passion account of Mark’s Gospel three disciples figure prominently: on the one hand two of the twelve – Judas who betrays Jesus and Peter who denies him – and on the other, the unnamed woman who anoints Jesus.
But while the stories of Judas and Peter are engraved in the memory of Christians, the story of the woman is virtually forgotten. Although Jesus pronounces in Mark 14:9: And truly I say to you, wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world, what She has done will be told in memory of her’, the woman’s prophetic sign-action did not become a part of the gospel knowledge of Christians.
Even her name is lost to us. Wherever the gospel is proclaimed and the Eucharist celebrated another story is told: the story of the apostle who betrayed Jesus. The name of the betrayer is remembered, but the name of the faithful disciple is forgotten because she was a woman.
Bieringer, R., & Vanden Hove, I. (2007). Mary Magdalene in the four gospels. Louvain Studies, 32(3), 186-254.
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