Theology of Her by Elena
Ep.6: Thealogy and Christianity: Jesus, wicca and paganism

Ep.6: Thealogy and Christianity: Jesus, wicca and paganism

Beliefs and values of practitioners on the phenomenon of the blending of Christianity and Goddess Spirituality.

Extracts from the episode:

When it comes to the  ‘blend’ of  Christianity and Goddessianism it is known as Christo-pagan: which stresses the importance of the individual effort to gain spiritual knowledge and realise the Divine within existence. 

Some experience them side-by-side, attending church on Sunday and engaging in Goddess-related activities privately, or in group settings. 

For those who the  God/dess is seen as having both male and female qualities the comments included: the Creator God must encompass both masculine and feminine. 

On practitioner admitted that she still prayed to a ‘male God’ some-times: ‘when I need male strength, when I need male energy’. 

Many spoke of the need for more ‘balance’ in Christian notions of deity: male and female, Jesus and Mary/Mary Magdalene, God and Goddess: ‘Goddess Spirituality has a function as a more balanced way to understand who Christ is. I understand Christ as a cosmic presence, not just a male person’ 

If you want to attend an online service that blends Christianity with goddess-worship please explore:


Beavis, M. A. (2016). Christian goddess spirituality and thealogy. Feminist theology, 24(2), 125-138.

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Theology of Her by Elena
Heret.ica (Her Ecofeminist Theology) is about exploring women's religious experiences.
It's about uncovering the feminine voice of the divine feminist theology, goddess worship and ecofeminist spirituality.